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I am a proud kalenjin from Kericho County. Lets not forget about our own culture
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Friday 31 October 2014

Here are some home remedies that ease menstrual cramps.

For some women, cramps might interfere with their work, school, and daily activities. About three out of four women experience menstrual pains, and every 1 out of 10 women experiences severe cramps.

To help you get through the monthly, here are some home remedies that ease menstrual cramps.
1. Keep up the exercise:
1.                     It is important that you continue with gentle exercise during your periods. It helps by releasing beta-endorphins, which are internal Opioids — your own ‘human morphine’.
2.                     It is natural to feel bloated before your periods, if you reduce your salt intake a few days before your periods it will help your kidneys flush out excess water
3.                     This might sound a little crazy and you might be thinking to yourself, I can barely move, let alone exercise. However, brisk walking, or any type of physical activity, can help to ease your belly pain. When you're doing any type of aerobic exercise, your body is pumping more blood; this helps to release endorphins to counteract the prostaglandins and reduce your cramps. Exercising three to four times a week is good for the overall health of your body, but it is especially important if you're prone to painful menstrual cramps.
2. Apply Heat
Heat helps to relax the contracting muscles in your uterus, which is the cause for your pain. There are many over-the-counter heating patches and pads, such as ThermaCare, Bengay, or electric, reusable ones. Or, even taking a regular plastic bottle with hot water and applying it to your abdomen is an alternative when you don't have access to a heating pad.
3. Drink Chamomile Tea
A study published in the Journal of Agriculture and Chemistry found that there might be pain-relieving properties in this fragrant tea. "This is one of a growing number of studies that provide evidence that commonly used natural products really do contain chemicals that may be of medicinal value," said Elaine Holmes, Ph.D., a chemist with the Imperial College of London. The research found that when 14 participants were given urine samples, their urinary levels had a significant increase in hippurate, which is a natural anti-inflammatory. Anti-inflammatory drugs help to decrease the prostaglandin production, thus relieving menstrual cramps.
4. Make Sure You're Getting Enough Vitamin D
Prevention is always better than the cure, which is why making sure your body has enough vitamin D is important in preventing menstrual cramps. A study found that high doses of vitamin D3 led to a significant decrease in menstrual cramps. As reported by, "40 Italian women were split into two groups: one receiving a single oral dose of 300,000 IUs of vitamin D3 and the other getting a placebo five days before the expected start of their menstrual periods." Their pain scored dropped by 41 percent, while those in the placebo group saw no change in their pain scale.
5. Have an orgasm          
Yes, that's right — orgasms help to relieve all kinds of pain, including menstrual cramps. Before an orgasm, the uterus is more relaxed, and at the moment of climax, blood flow increases, helping to relieve the cramps. Orgams relieve the pain through the release of endorphins, which help you to feel instantly better. They also help to relax your whole body and induce sleep so you won't feel any cramping at all.
6. Acupuncture
Acupuncture is a component of traditional Chinese medicine, which involves sticking the skin with small needles to stimulate the body at certain points. Researchers from the Oriental Hospital at Kyung Hee University Medical Center in South Korea found that acupuncture might have positive effects on menstrual cramps. The study was based on 10 trials with 944 participants. "There was an improvement in pain relief from acupressure compared with a placebo control," according to the study.
7. Dress for Comfort:
Avoid tight clothes, especially at the waist. They only hurt the stomach and further compressing it causes discomfort. Leave that belly alone!
  • A great pain reliever is the wild yam (Ratalu), its antispasmodic qualities help in making the day that much more bearable. A common question that bothers most women is whether it is safe to take medication to postpone their periods. Here’s the answer to your question on medication for delaying periods.
  • Raspberry leaf or jasmine flavored green tea work wonders in calming the body and mind.
  • Include a glass of milk in your breakfast. Calcium is a good cure for cramps. If you are not such a ‘milk’ person or are lactose intolerant about 600mg (2-4 tablets) of calcium chewables should do the trick.
  • Indulge in generous helpings of papaya during and before your periods. Papaya contains ‘papain’ an enzyme that helps to regulate and helps to ease the flow during menstruation.
  • Carrots are not only good for your eyes; they also assist in regulating menstruation. A tall glass of carrot juice can go a long way in making you feel much better. Here are a few other health benefits of carrots.
  • Aloe Vera juice with honey is also well known to ease the flow and reducing the pain. Read beauty benefits of aloe vera.
  • Avoid red meat and caffeine. They have properties that exacerbate the pain.
  • Have a hot shower. Concentrate the flow of water on your back and abdomen. A hot water bag also helps to relieve discomfort.
  • Applying lavender oil around your stomach is known to help relieving cramps in just 10 to 15 mins.
  • Just remember to be kind to yourself –  Relax, read a book, listen to some soft music or chat up with friends. If you feel happy and rejuvenated, your mind will help you fight physical pain.

Friday 24 October 2014

Les Brown Motivational

Les Brown Motivational Quotes

Ø You must take action now that will move you towards your goals. Develop a sense of urgency in your life.
Take action in order to move toward your goals.

Ø When you face your fear, most of the time you will discover that it was not really such a big threat after all. We all need some form of deeply rooted, powerful motivation -- it empowers us to overcome obstacles so we can live our dreams.

Ø Anytime you suffer a setback or disappointment, put your head down and plow ahead.

Ø Just because Fate doesn't deal you the right cards, it doesn’t mean you should give up. It just means you have to play the cards you get to their maximum potential.

Ø You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.

Ø Believe that you possess a basic goodness, which is the foundation for the greatness you can ultimately achieve.

Ø Your level of belief in yourself will inevitably manifest itself in whatever you do.

Ø Begin to read a book that will help you move toward your dream.

Ø You have the power to change.

Ø Change is difficult but often essential to survival.

Ø You cannot expect to achieve new goals or move beyond your present circumstances unless you change.

Ø You don't get in life what you want; you get in life what you are.

Ø Other people's opinion of you does not have to become your reality.

Ø You need to make a commitment, and once you make it, then life will give you some answers.

Ø Your ability to communicate is an important tool in your pursuit of your goals, whether it is with your family, your co-workers or your clients and customers.

Ø Don't let the negativity given to you by the world disempowered you. Instead give to yourself that which empowers you.

Ø If you don't program yourself, life will program you!

Ø I advise you to say your dream is possible and then overcome all inconveniences, ignore all the hassles and take a running leap through the hoop, even if it is in flames.

Ø A lot of people do not muster the courage to live their dreams because they are afraid to die.

Ø You gotta be hungry!

Ø If you do not develop the hunger and courage to pursue your goal, you will lose your nerve and you will give up on your dream.

Ø Be determined to handle any challenge in a way that will make you grow.

Ø Help others achieve their dreams and you will achieve yours.

Ø You have the courage and power to live your dreams.

Ø One of the most essential things you need to do for yourself is to choose a goal that is important to you. Perfection does not exist -- you can always do better and you can always grow.

Ø Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss it you will land among the stars.

Ø You must think of failure and defeat as the springboards to new achievements or to the next level of accomplishment.

Ø Fear does not have any special power unless you empower it by submitting to it.

Ø Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears.

Ø You must remain focused on your journey to greatness.

Ø You may not accomplish every goal you set -- no one does -- but what really matters is having goals and going after them wholeheartedly.

Ø Forgive those who have hurt you.

Ø Forgive yourself for your faults and your mistakes and move on.

Ø Review your goals twice every day in order to be focused on achieving them.

Ø As you reach your goals, set new ones. That is how you grow and become a more powerful person.

Ø Choosing goals that are important to you is one of the most essential things you can do in order to live your dreams.

Ø Goals are not dreamy, pie-in-the-sky ideals. They have every day practical applications and they should be practical.

Ø If you set goals and go after them with all the determination you can muster, your gifts will take you places that will amaze you.

Ø Life takes on meaning when you become motivated, set goals and charge after them in an unstoppable manner.

Ø You are the only real obstacle in your path to a fulfilling life.

Ø Someone's opinion of you does not have to become your reality.

Ø If you view all the things that happen to you, both good and bad, as opportunities, then you operate out of a higher level of consciousness.

Ø If you are carrying strong feelings about something that happened in your past, they may hinder your ability to live in the present.

Ø When life knocks you down, try to land on your back. Because if you can look up, you can get up. Let your reason get you back up.

Ø If you put yourself in a position where you have to stretch outside your comfort zone, then you are forced to expand your consciousness.

Ø The things you want are always possible; it is just that the way to get them is not always apparent. The only real obstacle in your path to a fulfilling life is you, and that can be a considerable obstacle because you carry the baggage of insecurities and past experience.

Ø The only limits to the possibilities in your life tomorrow are the buts you use today.

Ø Life has no limitations, except the ones you make.

Ø Act The Way You Want To Be And Soon You'll Be The Way You Act

Wednesday 22 October 2014

Natural Ways For Great Hair

Natural Ways For Great Hair
Egg Treatment
Use the entire egg to condition your hair. If you have dry or brittle hair, use egg whites to moisturize your hair. Use ½ cup of any egg mixture (egg white, entire egg) and apply to clean, damp hair. Leave it for 20 minutes and rinse with cool water.

Cleanliness Is Important
The most important reason for hair fall is dandruff and itchy scalp. Therefore, maintain good cleanliness for beautiful and healthy hair.

Avoid Hot Water
Skip hot water showers, because hot water will make your hair dry and brittle as it strips protective oils from your hair.

Extract some bottle gourd juice and apply it into your hair. Keep this solution for half an hour and wash it off thoroughly.

For That Shiny Soft Hair
Prepare a mixture of 1 cup of your daily conditioner and 2-3 tablespoons of honey. Apply this mixture evenly on your wet hair. Leave it for 30 minutes and wash it off thoroughly. This mixture will close down your hair's cuticle and give your hair that amazing shine.

Baking Soda Therapy
Make a mixture of 3 tbsp. of baking soda and some water. Rinse your hair with this solution after shampooing. Let it set in for at least 5 minutes before the final rinse. This therapy will help to remove the excess shampoo and styling product from your hair.

For Bouncy Hair
Apply a one to one mixture of warm water and apple cider vinegar to your hair. Rinse it thoroughly after 5 minutes to get rid of the apple cider smell. 

Don't Wash Your Hair Frequently
Wash your hair every 2-3 days, for proper regulation of natural hair oils. Washing your hair less often will also help regain your hair's natural body and luster.

Make Your Conditioner
For a protein packed conditioner, mix eggs and yogurt and rub it into your scalp. Leave on for five or 10 minutes, and then wash it off completely.

For Strong Hair
Use almond oil to treat dry and damaged hair. It is a very simple procedure, pour some almond oil in a bowl and heat it for 40 seconds. Then evenly distribute on your hair. Leave it for 30 minutes and then rinse normally with shampoo and conditioner using cold water.

Say Bye-Bye To Dull Hair With Lemon Juice
After the final rinse, apply 1 tsbp lemon juice to your hair. Simply towel dry your hair and style as normal to get rid of dry hair.

Use Protection Before You Jump Into The Pool
Pools can do great damage to your hair as it contains harsh chemicals. They prevent your hair from the pool damage by simply applying a little conditioner to your hair before you swim. This will protect your hair before it comes in contact with the pool water.

Treat Sun Damaged Hair
Make a mixture of ½ cup honey, 1-2 tbsp olive oil and 1-2 tbsp of egg yolk. Apply this mixture on your hair for 20 minutes and then rinse with warm water. This treatment will help to replenish keratin protein bonds.

Tight Is NO-NO
To prevent breakage due to brittle hair avoid using bands and do not tie your hair too tightly.

The Proper Brushing Technique
Avoid using a comb with plastic bristles to prevent hair breakage from static electricity. The best way to brush your hair is by first brushing the ends to remove tangles and then take the long stokes from the roots of the hair to the ends. This technique will help proper spreading of natural hair oil and thus prevent breakage.

Moisturize Your Hair
Pour a little beer in your wet hair. Distribute evenly and massage your scalp with your fingers for 20 minutes. Then rinse it thoroughly to get rid of the beer smell. Do this procedure once a week for salon smooth hair. Dr. Suttar says- it is recommended that people with sinus and cold should avoid using this treatment.

Trim Your Hair Regularly
Get your hair trimmed at least every six weeks to eliminate dry, split ends.

Do Not Brush Wet Hair
Wet hair is three times weaker and thus more likely to break - says Dr. Suttar. He recommends, towel dry your hair first and then gently detangle your hair using a wide tooth comb.

Let Your Hair Air-Dry
Allow your hair to dry by itself instead of using a blow-dryer or hot rollers. Using this artificial mode of drying technique will make your hair more brittle and dry. If you have no time to let your hair air dry, then use blow-dryer sparingly and make sure you use a warm setting instead of a hot setting.

Good Diet
Drink lots of water and eat a healthy diet of raw fruits and vegetables. The most effective home treatment for hair care is a healthy diet. You are what you eat, and what you put into your body will be reflected on the outside.

Eight age sets in Kalenjin

 The Kalenjin Sub tribes has eight (8) age sets revolving around 100 year cycle. Each age set span over a period of 13 years before moving to the next age set. The age sets are as detailed below.

1)Maina        - 1800 A.D. - 1885A.D
2)Nyongi       - 1885 A.D.- 1900 A.D
3)Chumiot     - 1900 A.D .- 1924A.D
4)Saweiyiek   - 1924A.D. - 1940 A.D
5) Korongoro - 1940A.D  .-1966 A.D
6) Kipkoimet  - 1966A.D   .-1976A.D
7) Kaplelach  - 1976A.D   .- 1996 A.D
8) Kipnyiige  - 1996A.D    

Tugen lost an age set called Maina, after they were exterminated in a war. they had traveled all the way to Laikipia and found the Masais had gone to war at Tanzania. they took all the cows and while at Naivasha, they decided to feast. incidentally, the Masais' arrived and tracked their stolen cows and caught up with them unawares around the present Naivasha and killed all the raiders. The Maina age group was therefore skipped to the next, hence, Keiyos are behind, while the Tugens are a head.The order of the kipsigis is Maina,Chumo ,Sawe,Kerongoro,Kipkoimet,Kaplelach,Kipnyige,Nyongi